Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Instant Profits 30+ Year Michigan Trader Takes On The 'Gurus'

When you see those "expert analysts" telling you what stocks to trade, does it ever occur to you they might be wrong? Maybe even frequently wrong?

Can you remember the experts telling traders to sell last year?


Me neither.

Yet, the stock markets declined close to 20% but it wasn't until that happened that the…

-financial "gurus" declared a Bear market!

Read further about "Instant Profits 30+ Year Michigan Trader Takes On The 'Gurus'"

Monday, April 28, 2008

What Is Stock Trading?

Stock trading refers to the practice of selling or buying equities, stocks and shares in corporations in stock exchanges or bourse operating venues. Through them, investors can place money or investment in several or individual companies.

A gain or a loss in stock trading is accumulated based on the difference between the sales price and the purchase price.
Stock trading is usually conducted during daytime. That is because it is assumed most major businesses around the globe normally conduct business at this time.

There are various stock trading venues. In one country, there must be at least one stock trading venue where equity trading is transacted for the whole country.

Read further about "What Is Stock Trading?"

Trade Smart. Not Often.

Friday, April 25, 2008

All About Options Trading

Options are perhaps the most versatile of all the trading instruments in the market today. They cost a lot less to transact than stocks. And because of this, traders are able to considerably limit the risks linked with a certain transaction.

There are basically two kinds of options: call options and put options. Call options give the trader the right to purchase assets, while the put options give yout the right to sell.

The good thing about options is that because they are exercised at a specific time frame and its rates are based on a set price, the risks that you stand to face are controlled and limited.

Read further about "All About Options Trading"

Thursday, April 24, 2008

30 Year Trading Veteran Reveals Unbreakable Rules (Video)

If you make a profit on every trade you make, delete this email now. (But let me know how you do it!)

Why? Because most traders don't. Even successful traders take losses.

Heck, even BILLIONAIRES take losses; like British billionaire Joseph Lewis, who lost nearly a billion dollars when Bear Stearns collapsed in March. Yes, you read that correctly - a billion.

So how can the average trader possibly trade successfully in today's market?

Read further about "30 Year Trading Veteran Reveals Unbreakable Rules (Video)"

Trade Smart. Not Often.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Technical Analysis Software: Making Your Predictions More Accurate

Technical analysis is the art of predicting a particular security in the financial market.

The word "prediction" itself will really attract you if you are a trader in the financial market. Besides, what kind of trader wouldn't want to know the future of a particular security?

If you have the ability to predict the outcome of the financial market, you might as well make some money out of it.

Read further about "Technical Analysis Software: Making Your Predictions More Accurate"

Trade Smart. Not Often.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Are You Accidentally Poisoning Your Portfolio?

If you had a big red 'Profit Button' that could give you an edge over most other traders and dramatically enhance your profit potential every time you placed a trade…

-how many times would you press it?


I have a brand new report for you that could save you from accidentally poisoning your portfolio…

…and also put the 'Guru Mafia' out of business… FOR GOOD.

Read further about "Are You Accidentally Poisoning Your Portfolio?"

Sunday, April 20, 2008

All About Trading Stocks

Trading stocks can be as easy as one, two, three, if you know the basics. There are people who are anxious and hesitant to trade stocks or invest in them because they think doing so would entail immeasurable and significant talent and skills.

Trading stocks does entail extreme talent and skill. But anyone who wants to grow his or her money can always look into this investment tool.
Investors are always on the look for reasonable and lucrative ways of making their money grow. Stock trading has been recognized by a rising number of people for as a significant and convenient means of making the money grow at rapid proportions even for the short time.

Read further about "All About Trading Stocks"

Thursday, April 17, 2008

19 Trades, 1 Loser. You In? (12 Hrs To Go)

I have to make this quick because there's only 12 hours left before your second chance at the ETF Profit Driver ends at 11:59pm Eastern (New York Time) TONIGHT - Thursday.

The developer of the course, Bill Poulos, just analyzed all the trades that the ETF Profit Driver found since April 2 and the results are…


Of 19 trades that triggered into a position, only 1 is a confirmed loser and the other 18 are still all open and in POSITIVE positions.

Read further about "19 Trades, 1 Loser. You In? (12 Hrs To Go)"

Trade Smart. Not Often.


Before being the popular investment venue that is now, online future trading traces its humble beginnings to eighteenth century Japan with the trade of rice and silk. This same concept was also started in America by farmers who would bring their produce, such as oil, root crops and wheat to the market in the hopes of selling all their goods.

However, since a system to determine supply and demand was not established yet, excess supply of commodities led to waste, and shortage of supplies drove prices up.
Eventually, the market participants, both buyers and sellers, were able to devise a way to place orders for a commodity in advance. They would reach an agreement to purchase goods for delivery at a future time and for payment upon delivery.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Netscape's Initial Public Offering History: Spirit of a Successful Business Entity

Before the popularity of Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Mozilla Corporation's Firefox web browser, Netscape first dominated the web browsing arena. It was formerly known as the Netscape Communications Corporation that was established in 1994. It offered an extensive line of client and integrated computer applications software for commerce and communications over the Internet and private IP or Internet protocol networks.

Netscape's most popular product during that time, which is the Netscape Navigator, became the leading web browser that allowed individual computer system units to trade information and conduct commerce over the Internet. It offered enterprise with basic capabilities for the creation and operation of web servers, sites, and other places on the Internet which browsers could visit.

Read further about "Netscape's Initial Public Offering History: Spirit of a Successful Business Entity"

Monday, April 14, 2008

Corners The Stock Market Without Owning Stocks (New Video)

I have to make this quick because the info in this message will be useless in 72 hours (or less, depending on when you get this).

Unless you've been living under a rock, you saw the massive release last week of 30+ year trader Bill Poulos's ETF Profit Driver home study course.

He sold out of his alloted 450 copies and is already working with his charter group of students to show them how to 'corner' the stock market without actually owning any stocks by using these 'under the radar' markets - Exchange Traded Funds.

Read further about "Corners The Stock Market Without Owning Stocks (New Video)"

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Training In Futures Trading

If you want to enter the futures trading market but don't have enough time to attend seminars and workshops offered by trading companies. You can seek training and education from the comforts of your home by accessing the World wide web for information.

There is a plethora of data and articles on the ins and outs of futures trading, as well as tips on how to get ahead and make the most out of your investment, on the Internet. All you have to do is conduct a search and you will be faced with thousands of sites offering what you need.

Indeed, with modes communication increasing leaning toward the Internet, more and more people are able to get information on a variety of subjects, especially on financial trading, where the population of loyal patrons increases significantly by the month.

Read further about "Training In Futures Trading"

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Trading Forex the Smart Way

Trading forex is an exhilarating experience. Just thinking of when your investment will decline or when it will rise can give you a sudden blood rush. The fact that you have the potential to gain profit and to lose your investment is enough to keep you alert for whatever sudden changes that might occur. Every second counts in trading forex. You have to watch out for good or bad trading signs and be able to make outright decisions.

Trading forex involves significant risk factors which you as an investor need to be aware of. You have to know the implications and significance of margin trading and how it can affect your investment. Likewise, you also need to be aware of the various opportunities that are available for you in forex trading.

Read further about "Trading Forex the Smart Way"

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Ways on Becoming Successful in Stock Day Trading

If you are practicing risky selling or buying of financial instruments then you are into the business of day trading and you are called a day trader. There are different categories of financial instruments which is either cash or other instrument's derivatives. They readily available in tradable forms and is not present in the outside context of financial markets.

In the pace of modern commerce, if fungible credit is created then this legal interest are transformed where most business people accept notes from third parties backed up by worthy credit parties such as banks. The consequence of such action is that security became a transferable interest which represents financial value.

Read further about "Ways on Becoming Successful in Stock Day Trading"

Monday, April 7, 2008

Trading Currencies for Dummies: The Pros and Cons of Forex

Currency trading is the business of buying and selling of currencies from different countries. You may think that this kind of trading is very complex and have so many things involved. But, you have to understand the fact that currency trading is a very simple trading system that everyone can do.

Firstly, you have to understand that currency trading (also called Forex) is the most liquid market in the world. It generates exchanges of more than a trillions dollars in a single day.

You also have to understand that Forex is not centralized and operates worldwide. It deals with the different currencies in the world. Unlike stock markets, it is usually contained on a single trading platform.

Read further about "Trading Currencies for Dummies: The Pros and Cons of Forex"

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Your ETF Profit Driver "Portfolio Supercharging" ENDS in 24 hours

Last week I let you in on the charter release of a brand new home study course that reveals how to supercharge your portfolio in less than 20 minutes a day using an 'under the radar' market…

Of course, I'm talking about Exchange Traded Funds, or ETFs… and if you haven't already figured out the quickest and most effective way to add a step-by-step trading strategy using ETFs…

…you may be leaving a TON of profit potential on the table.

Nearly 500 traders have already figured that out in less than a week, as they snapped up their copies of this flagship trading course, the ETF Profit Driver.

Read further about "Your ETF Profit Driver "Portfolio Supercharging" ENDS in 24 hours"

The Successful Approach of Trading Commodities

An average individual can become a successful commodity trader if he is going to adopt a one hundred percent mechanical approach. This is the best solution so that emotional influences are minimized because emotional drawbacks can destroy the decision making of a trader.

If you are encountering problems in commodity trading, the more you should become mechanical in the approach you are going make, so that there is a greater chance of better results. A one hundred percent mechanical approach means that you would find the most important step in finding a perfect system that will help you solve the risks being faced.

Read further about "The Successful Approach of Trading Commodities"

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Trading Platform: Product of Trade's History

Trading isn't just a simple exchange of goods or services within an agreed rate of exchange. Many investors, especially those who have already experienced success in their business venture, looks into trade as a blessing that they should be thankful of. They have wide understanding about the subject, especially in terms of its history and development throughout the course of time.

The existence of trade isn't just happened several years ago. During the advent of communication during the prehistoric era, trade was already being practiced by prehistoric people. They are believed to trade various services and goods despite the absence of any trading medium or equivalent to our present day currency. In addition, the recorded human history further established the fact that trade existed a long time ago and the system that we are currently using are considered to be the greatest grandson of the trade system before.

Read further about "Trading Platform: Product of Trade's History"

Friday, April 4, 2008

Movie Trading Company - Making Money and Entertainment without Luxury

Several days off from your busy work is a golden opportunity for you to take some time out and to think of something else. With your work occupying almost 10 hours each day and 24 days each month, it is just right that you take some time out and enjoy your rest days, whether in your home or somewhere else with your family.

There are various ways you can enjoy your rest days. You may just simply spend it in your home like watching different television programs, help your spouse in preparing meals for that day, play with your children, or till your garden both in your front and backyard.

Read further about "Movie Trading Company - Making Money and Entertainment without Luxury"

Trade Smart. Not Often.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


You feel their presence all the time. When you say business, or trade, the image that comes to mind are easily people in business suits engaged in phone conversation while gesturing to another person at the same time. They walk relentlessly from one corner to the next, often calling out to one another. You see monitors with all these numbers and acronyms. They put in data on the terminals. What you actually see in your head is a stock exchange.

A stock is basically shares in a business. A stock exchange is where stocks, bonds, or other securities are bought and sold. This is where stock brokers meet. The image we have conjured earlier, those are stock brokers.

But how does the stock market work?

Read further about "KEEN ON STOCK TRADING ONLINE?"

Trade Smart. Not Often.

Top 5 Mutual Fund Dangers And How To Avoid Them

I just got a brand new 15 minute, 10 second trading video you need to see…

- It's all about why mutual funds could be poisoning your IRA…

(and how to supercharge it back to health with a 'mutual fund killer')

Here's what you'll discover in this quick trading video lesson:

* The top 5 dangers of mutual funds (and how to avoid them) (0:24)…

* The top 4 reasons Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are a mutual fund killer, and why you're leaving huge profit potential on the table if you DON'T have ETFs as part of your trading strategy (2:18)…

* The top 3 mistakes most individuals make with ETFs, and how to avoid them (4:01)…

Read further about "Top 5 Mutual Fund Dangers And How To Avoid Them"

Trade Smart. Not Often.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Trading Soybean Futures

Soybeans are one of the most traded commodities on the Chicago Board of Trade because they are easily grown and serve a number a uses.

Initially, George Washington Carver saw that soybeans may be used as a substitute to cotton as the sole profit maker in the South, after which he discovered that they may be utilized to make plastic, paints, inks, varnishes, linoleum and even fuel. And you thought soybeans were only for making tofu and soy milk!

Read further about "How Traders "Trading Soybean Futures"

Trade Smart. Not Often.

How Traders "Supercharge" Their Portfolios using ETF Profit Driver

Unless you've been under a rock, you've no doubt already caught wind of the brand new step-by-step home study course that shows you how to supercharge your portfolio in less than 20 minutes a night using Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs).

Now, before you decide on whether or not ETFs may be right for you, we encourage you to take a look at an open letter we prepared for you that reveals how most traders have been completely wrong about how to trade ETFs:

Read further about "How Traders "Supercharge" Their Portfolios using ETF Profit Driver"

Trade Smart. Not Often.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Stock Trading Software-Providing Knowledge Rather Than Emotion in Decision-Making

(Be sure to read this short note because…
==> THE TIDE JUST TURNED in the trading community…)

Here's what's up -

In the past 2 weeks, over 50,000 traders have bombarded a special, "insiders" trading website all about a new way to supercharge your portfolio.

You might even call it an "underground" website because everything it exposes challenges what 90% of all traders have held to be true for years.

So if you have ANY interest in discovering how to supercharge your portfolio (regardless of what you trade) in less than 20 minutes a night, you're in for a TREAT today…

Read further about "How 20 Minutes a Night Can Supercharge Your Portfolio"

Trade Smart. Not Often.